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Aldo Leopold Charter School
Silver City, NM
This middle and high school provides a model for how outdoor education can energize everything that happens there. Through place-based learning, student agency, awareness of ecological and social justice issues, students at ALCS engage all their faculties to prepare for the responsibilities that lie ahead.
Guilford Elementary
Guilford, VT
Guilford Central has an outdoor classroom for every grade level, pre-K through 6. Students engage in a farm to school program, learning about nutrition, and spend a large part of every day outdoors.
The James and Grace Lee Boggs School
Detroit, MI
Boggs is more than a school. It is the nucleus of a community and a process of change. Using Place-Based Education, the school immerses students creatively in local heritage, cultures, landscapes, opportunities, experiences, and service projects for the school and local community.
East Kingston Elementary School
East Kingston, NH
East Kingston illustrates what can be achieved at a rural school that is small enough so that each child is known well and with whole child practices can grow and be nurtured to reach his or her full potential.
Davis Bilingual Elementary Magnet School
Tucson, AZ
La Escuela de Atracción Bilingüe Davis: Inspirando y fortaleciendo a nuestros alumnos ha convertirse en ciudadanos responsables y productivos de sus comunidades y del mundo.
Escuela Manzo
Tucson, AZ
Manzo Elementary or Escuela Manzo sits in the Hollywood section of Tucson, and with its gardens and chickens serves as a food source and environmental inspiration for the community.
Compass School
Westminster, VT
Compass School’s unusual model accommodates both independent and public school students for its sparsely populated rural communities in Vermont. The school is open admissions and this arrangement works well for them. Upon graduation, students enjoy a high level of college acceptance.
Graciela Garcia Elementary School
Pharr, TX
The site visitor commends Garcia School leadership, teachers, and the entire community of parents, students, and friends of the school for creating a learning environment that ensures that every student at the school can become bi-lingual and bi-cultural.
City Neighbors
Baltimore, MD
The learning environment in City Neighbors schools deserves special recognition because it has been achieved despite formidable challenges, especially entrenched poverty, and lack of funding for innovative educational programs and practices.
The Project School
Bloomington, IN
The Project School started with the founding educators’ collective dream to create an authentic, democratically-led school grounded in core beliefs and values of heart-mind-voice, which are infused into everything happening in the school.
Zaharis School
Mesa, AZ
At Zaharis books are plentiful and reading is as natural as breathing, but scripted textbooks are set aside in favor of inquiry-based learning. That means students pose questions and carry out projects. This builds teamwork and motivation for learning.
Four Rivers School
Greenfield, MA
Four Rivers enrolls students in grades eight through twelve. The Expeditionary Learning model in this charter means that activities extend far beyond the classroom, involve projects, and promote character growth, teamwork, and active learning. On state tests students score above sending schools.