Putney, Vermont
Where Curiosity Meets Nature
ETWC Report Summary: Principal Jon Sessions and the staff at Putney Central School demonstrate the ability of a school to rise above and go beyond mandates that far too often constrict those who lack the imagination to create and run schools that educate the whole child. While responding to mandates, Jon uses his autonomy and leadership skills to meet those requirements in a way that is creative, thoughtful, and focused on the whole child.
The first distinctive element is the 162 acre Forest for Learning, and the network of well-marked trails leading into and through the forest. The school board and community worked together to construct a footbridge over the Sacketts Brook floodplain behind the school to provide access to the forest, which was completed and dedicated in November, 2001. The student-created network of well-marked trails are used by both students and community members, and lead to the forest classrooms designated by grade, where all students in grades K- 5 spend a minimum of half a day per week.
The second distinctive element is the focus on the arts and the unique middle school students’ Wednesday alternative day, where students in grades 6- 8 attend classes of their choice in mixed grade groups. Middle school students select from a variety of classes at the beginning of the year, based on interest. Some options include mixed media, 3 D printing, print making, or advanced art classes. Choices include pod casting, maker space activities, or book clubs in the library, as well as a variety of music classes, such as modern band (rock bands), choir, jazz, and woodwinds. The school is beautifully decorated with student artwork, and all students in the school receive both music and art instruction.
A third distinctive element is the incorporation of movement and play throughout the school day. Movement in this school is built into day-to-day learning. Students spend a great deal of their time outdoors, interacting with nature, sledding in winter, hiking the forest trails, bicycling, and actively playing on the well-equipped playgrounds. There is a pool on the grounds, which is owned by the town, but is available for the school to use in warmer weather. Sheds house bicycles for students to ride on the school’s bike trails. The Pre-k and kindergarten curriculum is play-based.
A fourth distinctive element is the school’s unique approach to food service and community food insecurity. Rather than contracting to outside food service contractors, Putney has its own independent food program, with meals cooked from scratch to provide healthy breakfast and lunch options. Produce is grown in the school’s plentiful gardens to use in the school kitchen. Through the Food4Kids partnership, every Wednesday afternoon all students, their families, and the staff are invited to shop at no cost for food items donated by the Putney Foodshelf, preventing the stigma of students in need of food receiving donations.
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A school campus that includes school and community gardens, mountain bike pump track and skills park, and an adjacent 162 acre school forest with outdoor classrooms.
Place-based learning utilizes the local community and environment as a means to teach about the natural world
Engagement with the community through projects, participation and partnerships