
One of the best books surveying the alternatives to mainstream, accountability-oriented education is Ron Miller’s The Self-Organizing Revolution: Common Principles of the Educational Alternatives Movement (Brandon, VT: Holistic Education Press, 2008). Dr. Miller has a broad view and is not sectarian in any way. He has spent a lifetime trying to awaken educators to numerous ways children can become truly engaged in learning and can learn to love it in a way that will stay with them once they leave school. The variety of approaches to educating the whole child contributes to the movement’s vitality.

For a broad look at why whole child education is important and how it fits into global developments and America’s ability to compete, see Yong Zhao, Catching Up or Leading the Way (Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2009), particularly Chapter 7, “What Knowledge Is of Most Worth?”

Sir Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica have written a worthwhile study in Creative Schools (New York: Viking, 2015). They may have been too optimistic in subtitling the book The Grassroots Revolution That’s Transforming Education. The most popular TED talk of all time is his Do Schools Kill Creativity?

Worth reading is Lynn Stoddard’s expanded second edition of Educating for Human Greatness (Sarasota, FL: Peppertree Press, 2010). An educator for over 50 years, Stoddard dares to propose we teach as if we could make a difference in areas like integrity, initiative, and imagination. Subjects like reading, writing, and math are taught, but as tools to help grow the qualities of human greatness.

Many practical suggestions for social and emotional development can be found in Teaching Children to Care, revised edition (Turners Falls, MA: Responsive Classroom, 2015). Author Ruth Sidney Charney was co-founder of the Center for Responsive Schools.

The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) convened a Commission on the Whole Child in 2006. It subsequently issued an important report and has an active whole child program and website. Where we focus on teaching and learning, ASCD also emphasizes that children’s health, safety, and nutrition needs must be met in order for them to learn.

David Sobel’s work with place-based education develops another path for engaging the whole child. In addition to the readable Place-Based Education: Connecting Classrooms and Communities and his more recent Children and Nature, Place- and Community-Based Education in Schools with Gregory Smith (New York: Routlege, 2010) explores the subject in greater depth. See additional resources at https://promiseofplace.org.

Jonathan Kozol’s Letters to a Young Teacher (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2007) contains many practical tips and a distillation of a lifetime’s work in education. It proceeds from the premise that the best teachers stalwartly refuse to see their pupils as so many “pint-sized deficits or assets for America’s economy.”

Some of the most exciting holistic learning takes place in independent schools unencumbered with the political and bureaucratic mandates constraining public schools. Unfortunately many prep schools disdain the materialism implicit in relentless testing and accountability management, but they fail to see the materialism in their drive to produce graduates who can access prestigious colleges. Montessori and Waldorf are two independent systems that have well-developed holistic approaches and schools around the world.

Angeline Stoll Lillard, Montessori—The Science Behind the Genius (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2008) provides an excellent introduction to the approach.

A. C. Harwood, The Recovery of Man in Childhood, 2nd edition (Great Barrington, MA: Myrin Institute, 2001) provides the best in-depth introduction to child development and education from a Waldorf point of view in one volume.

For anyone interested to see what happens when Waldorf methods are applied in public, usually charter, schools, see Mary Goral, Transformational Teaching: Waldorf-Inspired Methods in the Public School (Herndon, VA: SteinerBooks, 2009). Here is part of her talk to parents: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB2I_AALQZI. Further material at: https://waldorfanswers.org/PublicWaldorf.htm

Another alternative is democratic education in which schools are designed to teach the customary subjects but do this in a way that meets the goal of preparing students to take responsibility for the world they will inherit. An excellent and current exploration of these ideas is Sam Chaltain’s American Schools: The Art of Creating a Democratic Learning Community (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2010).

In addition to the books and links above, two important DVDs deserve mention. In The Finland Phenomenon Harvard education professor Tony Wagner lays out clearly why Finland has the best public school system in the world. In Schools That Change Communities, a film by Bob Gliner, we learn that in changing itself and at the same time its community, a school generates a dynamism that can supercharge learning.


Creative Podcasts

One of our ETWC network schools, City Neighbors, has instituted a podcast series featuring innovative leaders and ideas that break out of the standard mold. The first of these is an interview with Dr. Kaleb Rashad, former CEO of the innovative High Tech High, a network of 16 project-based schools in San Diego.

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Seed and Spark

Seed + Spark shows what can happen when fresh eyes—in this case architects and designers—look at education from outside the educational establishment. This book provides a refreshing vision of possibilities that could help bring bold new models and possibilities to schools.

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Catching Up or Leading the Way

For a broad look at why whole child education is important and how it fits into global developments and America’s ability to compete, see Yong Zhao, Catching Up or Leading the Way, particularly Chapter 7, “What Knowledge Is of Most Worth?”

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Creative Schools

Sir Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica have written a worthwhile study in Creative Schools. They may have been too optimistic in subtitling the book The Grassroots Revolution That’s Transforming Education.

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Educating for Human Greatness

Stoddard dares to propose we teach as if we could make a difference in areas like integrity, initiative, and imagination. Subjects like reading, writing, and math are taught, but as tools to help grow the qualities of human greatness.

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Teaching Children to Care

Many practical suggestions for social and emotional development can be found in Teaching Children to Care, revised edition. Author Ruth Sidney Charney was co-founder of the Center for Responsive Schools.

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Whole Child Education

The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) convened a Commission on the Whole Child in 2006. It subsequently issued an important report and has resources at its whole child website.

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David Sobel

David Sobel’s work with place-based education develops another path for engaging the whole child. His more recent Children and Nature, Place- and Community-Based Education in Schools with Gregory Smith explores the subject in greater depth.

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Angeline Stoll Lillard’s Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius provides an excellent introduction to the Montessori approach.

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Letters to a Young Teacher

Jonathan Kozol’s Letters to a Young Teacher contains a distillation of a lifetime’s work in education. It builds on the premise that the best teachers refuse to see their pupils as so many “pint-sized deficits or assets for America’s economy.”

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Vivian Gussin Paley

Discussions of play-based learning can be found in the works of Vivian Gussin Paley, notably in  books such as The Boy Who Would be a Helicopter and a Child’s Work: The Importance of Fantasy Play.

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The Recovery of Man in Childhood

A. C. Harwood, The Recovery of Man in Childhood, 2nd edition provides the best in-depth introduction to child development and education from a Waldorf point of view in one volume.

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Dr. Mary Goral

For anyone interested to see what happens when Waldorf methods are applied in public, usually charter, schools, here is a link to Dr. Mary Goral giving a talk to parents.

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Working in the Reggio Way

For an overview of the Reggio Emilio approach to education, Julianne P. Wurm’s book, Working in the Reggio Way: A Beginner’s Guide for American Teachers is an excellent resource. 

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Play in the Preschool Classroom

Ashiabi’s 2007 article, “Play in the Preschool Classroom: It’s Socioemotional Significance and the Teacher’s Role in Play” (Early Childhood Education Journal, Vol. 35, No.2) provides a detailed description of the benefits of play in early childhood education. 

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American Schools

An excellent exploration of democratic education is Sam Chaltain’s, American Schools: The Art of Creating a Democratic Learning Community (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2010).

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The Finland Phenomenon

In The Finland Phenomenon Harvard, education professor Tony Wagner lays out clearly why Finland has the best public school system in the world.

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Schools That Change Communities

In Schools That Change Communities, a film by Bob Gliner, we learn that in changing itself and at the same time its community, a school generates a dynamism that can supercharge learning.

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The Self-Organizing Revolution

One of the best books surveying the alternatives to mainstream, accountability-oriented education. Dr. Miller has a broad view and is not sectarian in any way.

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